Manakai Swimwear Ambassador ~ Lipoa Rae Kahaleuahi

Manakai Swimwear Ambassador ~ Lipoa Rae Kahaleuahi

"My Makua kane named me after a Hawaiian seaweed of a golden yellow hue that has to be in the ocean to survive. If ever I were sick or troubled, he’d tell me I needed to make my way back to the sea." ~ Lipoa

August 15, 2016 — kelley chapman
Manakai Swimwear will be featured in the Lahaina Local Showcase

Manakai Swimwear will be featured in the Lahaina Local Showcase

Down the Hatch
Benefiting the Lahaina Art Association, Art Education Program
Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 6:30pm - 9:00pm
Hosted by Ashley “Bad Ash” Davis
March 22, 2016 — Anna Lieding