Cosmic Manakai

Cosmic Manakai

As gatekeepers to a world existing beyond our frame of mind, artists’ role in society is invaluable. They are our visionaries, our luminaries, our creators. They are shooting stars in the seemingly static sky— daring to be different and captivating our attention in the act.
June 01, 2021 — Amelia Marjory
Creating safe spaces through fashion. Manakai’s commitment to body positivity.

Creating safe spaces through fashion. Manakai’s commitment to body positivity.

As many of you may already be familiar with, our mission at Manakai is to offer sustainable and ethical swimwear made with you and the planet in mind. With that, we strive at every level to offer the core foundations of our practices to be built upon safe relationships with ourselves, each other and the planet.
February 12, 2021 — Adrian Garthoff